The Great Road Trip

Los Angeles to Rome

April – July 2022

We Need Your Help!

‘Kennedy’s Disease is a pernicious illness that impacts on all aspects of a sufferer’s life. We must all play a part in finding a cure for the benefit of future generations’

A Kennedy Disease Sufferer

Find our more about Kennedy's Disease:

An Epic Road Trip - In An Epic Car!
Supporting a Good Cause

Please support our ambitious 2022 road trip, in a 29 horse power 35-year-old Citroen 2CV.  The trip commences in Los Angeles and finishes in Rome and will run from April to July 2022. The car will be shipped to Los Angeles for the USA section and then shipped back across the Atlantic from New York to Southampton for the UK and European section..

The Citroen 2CV, affectionately known as the tin snail, is a cult car in Europe. It was first manufactured in 1948 and production ceased in 1990.

The American Kennedy’s Disease Association (KDA) and the UK Charity (KD-UK) have acquired a 2CV which has been comprehensively refurbished for the trip by a specialist company. The cost of the 2CV, and its restoration, has already been funded by a generous donor.

A seven-day trans alpine cycling event will be run alongside the road trip from Chamonix to Nice in July 2022. Classic Car clubs from across the United States are expected to join various segments of the American trip to support this worthy cause.

The total distance driven will be 4,300 miles in the USA and 2,300 miles in Europe.
The purpose of the Road Trip is to raise awareness of Kennedy’s Disease and to raise much-needed funds for the research programme.

Wherever possible, Kennedy’s Disease sufferers will participate in the event. The proceeds from the event
will be used to fund both the US and European research programmes.


Start in Los Angeles
on 19 April 2022


Start at Land’s End
on 7 July 2022